"I already have a blog. Why do I want another?"
Because people that find your Artfire store may not realize you publish a full time blog. In this day & age where people have so many options of what to purchase and from whom, it's critical to really stand out and build a personal relationship with your viewers and customers. People choose who to do business with based on if they trust you or not.
Your Artfire blog doesn't have to be a daily update. But when I'm shopping in Artfire, and finding new artisans to follow and promote, I always check their blog. The people that stand out to me are blogging occasionally. Topics that are great to write about on that Artfire blog are: your products! How did you create, what was the inspiration for, what type of products you design, what are the preferred materials you work with and DO YOU DO CUSTOM WORK? People don't know if you don't put it out there!
So that's my marketing tip of the day for you! As a secondary bonus, right now I'm aware of several giveaways! I want to pass the love along to you so you can enter to win some great things too!
1. SLM Petersen - This giveaway is terrific for anybody that SEWS! Stacy is having a vintage pattern giveaway AND she extended the deadline to enter until Saturday. Just go to her blog and leave her a comment!
2. JulsBeads - I'm telling you about this because I love Juls... but I'm going to win, so no need for you to enter. K? ;) Juls is giving away a stash of Bead Embroidery swag... yes, I'm in LOVE with this mix of jewels (or is it Juls). So there, you've been told... :o)
3. Kerry Bogert & Cindy Wimmer, two great jewelry artists have just been published in a new book Wire Style 2. Kerry is giving away one copy on her blog! Leave her a comment to win. Or you can pick up a copy right this minute by clicking here!
Good luck, happy marketing and have a TERRIFIC day!
Thanks for the tips and heads up regarding the contests!!!
By the way...love the new look!!!
You are welcome Heather! I just wanted to help those that didn't know it was available to then!
Have a terrific day!
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