Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Live, Laugh, Love and Repeat!

I'm belly aching right now because I'm so lucky to have such funny (not funny-looking) friends!  Today was one of those just plain 'ole wonderful days!

I got to put together a package of jewelry and love and send it off with a hug today!  Somebody is going to have a really, really wonderful birthday when she gets that package! :)

I had coffee & lunch with a wonderful girlfriend whom we don't get to connect often enough.  We laugh, we brainstormed and rest assured, all the world's problems are now solved... pinky swear! And in seeing a pair of my earrings, she just HAD to have them! ;)  Almost ripped them right out of my ears* - honestly.  I just couldn't believe, so brash... but I get that way around shoes... so I understood her lack of control completely!

Then I actually get around to Web Wandering and my dear Juls makes me bust a gut... literally.  I'm still laughing because the girl is just trippy!  You have to read her post, and give her a follow 'cuz she just makes you laugh.  Not just once in a while, but every post and laughing burns more calories than pouting.  Just sayin'!

And that my dear friends is the perfect compliment to this wonderous day!  Hope your day was just as magical as mine!


*No earlobes were hurt in the incident.  All parties are presumed innocent until proven guilty!


slmpetersen said...

You just made me miss my girlfriends back in Missouri! :( On the up side I have all these great cyber friends like you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads up on Julsbeads, I love her blog and her beads. I left her a comment letting her know I'm her newest follower and how good a friend you are. Congrats on your new website!! Your video is perfect, the camera loves you, and I absolutely love your jewelry! I love it enough to suggest that you make your website print in a bigger point size for easier reading and that you either change your background or your font color or face so, again, it's easier to read. Also the prices aren't obvious, is each piece negotiable? Regardless, you have created some amazing pieces. You are a true artist and I wish you every success!

@ Hauplight

Sparkle Queen said...

Thanks Ladies! Isn't Juls a trip! Love that girl and we've only met through our blogs. :) But someday, I'm thinking a girls tropical vacation is necessary!

Thanks Haupi for visiting my website. I'm going to spend some time this afternoon on it doing some updates and "sprucing" the place up a bit! ;)

Hope you both have a fantabulous day!



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